Hi Nate,

Thanks for informing us of the bug in webkit and how to work around it on 
Ubuntu Bionic.

And more help in the code is certainly welcome!

The last couple of months the active devs have been busy mostly with cleaning 
up and fixing bugs as the result of the switch to gtk3/webkit2 which was 
forced upon us. So there wasn't much activity on our C++ porting effort.

We usually suggest to start by getting familiar with the current code base. A 
good way of doing so is to browse our bug list in bugzilla (https://
bugs.gnucash.org) and try and fix some of those. Usually from there 
contributors find areas they are more interested in and go work on that.

As for the c++ port in particular, this has started in libgnucash/engine. A 
few source files have been converted to c++ classes but there is still a lot 
to do. As we can't do it all at once our strategy is to keep the c-interface 
unchanged, but replace the implementation with c++ classes. Any c++ code can 
use the new c++ interfaces directly instead of going through the old c-
interface. In the end when everything has been ported, the old c-interface 
will be dropped.

You may also want to read https://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Development
It has several useful pointers to start contributing.

I would also suggest to communicate a lot with the devs in the beginning, 
either here or on irc. That way we can help you avoid certain pitfalls or 
prevent double work.

Other than that, just dive in and have fun!


Op woensdag 10 oktober 2018 05:53:10 CEST schreef Nathaniel Groendyk:
> Hi Team,
> I was trying to build gnuCash and came across a bug in libwebkit.
> (It errors that it cant find jsc.h in a #include.)
> Eitherway, I left notes on the general IRC channel about it, but thought
> perhaps I should email you guys as well. I know its not a gnuCash bug, but
> definately a build issue. The steps for anyone building from src in
> ubuntu-bionic would be to downgrade their libwebkit stuff as follows:
> sudo apt-get install libwebkit2gtk-4.0-dev=2.20.1-1 libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37=
> 2.20.1-1 gir1.2-webkit2-4.0=2.20.1-1 libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-dev=2.20.1-1
> gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-4.0=2.20.1-1 libjavascriptcoregtk-4.0-18=2.20.1-1
>  as per bug-link:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/webkit2gtk/+bug/1795901
> Anyway, I hope this helps.
> Also FYI, I wanted to intro myself. My name is Nate. I'm a software dever
> and am looking to get involved with developing gnucash. I saw in your long
> term plans you want to move to C++ and more boost deps. I have experience
> moving C to C++, I do that lots in my current job. Also deal with writing
> code around SQL stuff for locking and whatnot. I'd love to hear what you
> guys need help with.
> Thanks
> Nate
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