
On December 24, 2018, at 12:19 AM, "Frank H. Ellenberger" 
<> wrote:

>thanks for your question. Because it affects unwritten historical
>conventions, I cc the list.
>Am 23.12.18 um 08:04 schrieb David T.:
>> Frank,
>> I just decided to look into this change to the wiki you made a couple of 
>> weeks ago. 
>> It appears that you renamed the "PAS 76" page to "GB/PAS_76"
>> I can't see why you did this. Is there more than one "PAS 76" that might 
>> confuse gnucash users?
>Probably not users, but wiki maintainers:
>Its original name was Pas_76 and several times, I opened it with the
>intention "Strange name, can we delete it?".
>So I changed it to uppercase letters to denote, it is the abbreviation
>of a regulation (form, law, ...). Further I prefixed it with GB because
>it only concerns users in GB.

Rather than add another code to an obscure code, I think you should have gone 
the opposite direction, and named this page something like "Compliance with UK 
Tax Authorities". This is especially relevant, since the page appears to 
approach the topic in this manner, and the only link to it is the FAQ question 
about tax compliance for the UK.

Would you please do that, since I am as yet unsure of wiki conventions in this 
regard? Then no one will have to wonder what "PAS 76" is. (of course, you could 
always have added an entry to the glossary-- oh, never mind, I just did)

>> That would, in my opinion, have been the only reason to make this change. 
>> Given that the only link to this page was the one from the FAQ, this change 
>> seems really fussy. 
>> And is it wise to use a forward slash in a wiki page name? That just seems 
>> destined for trouble. 
>The slash divides a prefix from the intrinsic page name. This way you
>can have a main page with subpages. A technical good example of this
>technic was the draft of the guide with a template, common index, ...
>In general in more encyclopedic wikis its use is disregarded (you need
>several tools for both, coding and documenting. Which should become the
>main page?)

I guess I wasn't clear; using a slash seems problematic in a wiki page title 
since the forward slash is used in URLs. Won't that confuse browsers?


>There is one exception in our wiki:
>Language and region specific pages got prefixed with the language code
>(De, Es, Pt ...) or region code (GB, NO ...). Ideally they should also
>have a respective category tag.
>The reason is historical: When we imported the first enlish and german
>pages from, nobody of us knew about mediawikis language
>When Derek and I have some spare time, we will move languages in
>specific domains.
>> David
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