On 1/24/19 7:36 PM, Christopher Lam wrote:
> Revert is a git terminology, not a gnucash one. Welcome to version
> control.

That's the manual to which I referred.  It meant something else to my
mind when I first saw your post.  But, after further thought, my
previous thought was faulty.

My first boss after college would draw a picture to describe the
difference between a bug and a feature.

I can't draw so a word will have to do (at less than a thousand words)!

BUG:  draw stick figure.

FEATURE:  Add pants, tie, gloves, shoes and a top hat.

MORAL:  A feature is a bug all dressed up and ready to go out.

> Please remember this revert is reverting a buggy code with a previous
> buggy code, so, cannot be consisted safe to package; best wait until
> the clever devs can find a proper fix for gnc-date.
> On Fri., 25 Jan. 2019, 05:46 Stephen M. Butler <kg...@arrl.net
> <mailto:kg...@arrl.net> wrote:
>     OH!  Light bulb on!
>     OK.  I understand what you said earlier.  I'll put the patches
>     back into
>     the packaging.
>     Thanks for clearing that up.
>     --Steve
>     PS Looking in manual for 'revert' command.

Stephen M Butler, PMP, PSM
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