Op zondag 24 februari 2019 14:50:27 CET schreef Wm via gnucash-devel:
> On 24/02/2019 08:44, Geert Janssens wrote:
> > Completely agree in today's context. There have been reasons in the past
> > it
> > was done as it is. If someone has spare time and epxerience I gladly
> > accept
> > patches to fix this technical debt.
> There was nothing to fix in this regard in gnc 2.x
> gnc 3.x changed things, do *not* try and escape this, Geert!
> gnc 3.x made things worse not better in this regard.  Understand?
You are entitled to your opinion of course. But I disagree.

> >> The fact that we even need a wiki page dedicated to file and
> >> configuration
> >> locations-- let alone one as long and convoluted as the one we have (and
> >> which needs additional diagramming)-- only underscores this problem.
> > 
> > No, it underscores the dev team's willingness to be as open as possible
> > about the complexities of a mature cross-platform application. Many
> > applications store (meta)data is locations defined by the context.
> I know what you are saying, Geert, you are also wrong.  The
> implementation of those concepts in gnc 3.x is a disaster for some, e.g
> I have charities that cannot use gnc 3.x
> I must ask again, because I do not want to shoot the messenger, who
> thought this change from 2.x to 3.x was a good idea?  Who proposed it?

What changes exactly are you referring to ? What changes prevent charities 
from using gnc 3.x ?

> Did the person that proposed it understand what they were suggesting
> meant for all people or just for themselves?
> This change is fundamentally wrong to what I understand the gnc ethos to
> be.  People should have access to their own data, people should control
> their own data, people's data should be where they expect it to be.
> Geert, the way you are talking it sounds like you voted for Facebook.
If you want me to continue this conversation with you, I'd suggest you stick 
to the topic.

> > Go search for
> > libreoffice's metadata for example, or firefox'. If you would want to
> > document their metadata structures, you'd see something similar or even
> > more complex.
> I know both those programs and know where they store stuff.  You may
> recall I mentioned portableapps.com a while ago so don't be surprised
> /someone else knows about where other apps put stuff.
> In short, documenting metdata structures about gnc is mainly done.  So
> shut up and do something useful, please.
> > Part of the complexity comes from the multi-platform nature of gnucash.
> > Each platform defines their own default locations for various kinds of
> > data. And gnucash tries to apply these per platform.
> Geert: I think you just made another lie in pubic.
> The question is: should it?  It is a lie that where to put files was an
> issue in getting gnc implemented on Windows.
You do like misinterpreting other peoples words to your benefit...

I never said it was a requirement to get gnc implemented on Windows. I said 
gnucash chose to better integrate with each platform.

And please re-read my other message. We're talking in different contexts. You 
continue to discuss on the level of what should be considered metadata and 
what should be part of the gnucash data itself. I'm only talking default 
metadata locations itself as that's the only aspect in this context that has 
changed in gnucash 3.x. That some data should not be considered metadata is 
not under debate. We agree on that.


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