My 2ยข:

From a user perspective, I very much like the idea of a year.quarter numbering scheme. One need never have to research the age of the release they are using. (even those of us who know the cycle)

If non-compatible changes are kept on say, the ".1" or a year-based boundary, that would make the upgrade path easy enough to follow.


On 11/14/22 12:59 PM, john wrote:
But what about the opposite approach, having only one permanent branch and no 
major releases? Instead of 5.0 next spring we'll release 2023.1 and the spring 
after that 2024.1, with .2 in June, .3 in September, and .4 in December every 
year? Major changes, like c++options, get merged when ready; we might do a beta 
release (e.g. 2023.2beta) a month before a release with a major change to get 
better user testing. We'd have to work out policies for API and schema changes 
because it would blow up the file upgrade path for users who've skipped some 
releases. There's a very dense exposition on this pattern at

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