I don't think the silo effect is a big deal. The main impact is on transferring 
bugs and we gave that up when Gnome shut down its Bugzilla instance. 
Cross-project pull/merge requests make no sense, so I guess your complaint is 
that you can't use your Github account to submit a PR to e.g. Gtk because while 
there's a Gtk mirror on Github it doesn't take PRs, you have to get a Gnome 
LDAP account and make your MR (merge request, gitlab's name for pull request).

Based on what I see over at Gnome running a gitlab instance is a lot of work. 
Plus even with the Gnome Foundation's compute resources it frequently bogs 
down. I don't think we'd want to do that.

I'd never even heard of gitea or codeberg and I've encountered only one project 
on sourcehut. I wasn't terribly impressed.

We could switch the git mirror to Sourceforge, which would get us the 
code-browsing, though not as nice as GitHub's, and the merge requests. I don't 
know how the edit/discussion flow works there, but I bet it's not as nice as 
Github's either.

That leaves CI. Sourceforge doesn't provide it, so we'd have to set up our own 
instance of something; Jenkins used to be popular but I don't know if it's 
still considered the best. Regardless that's more time spent setting it up, 
securing, and maintaining it.

John Ralls

> On Nov 18, 2022, at 9:15 AM, Geert Janssens <geert.gnuc...@kobaltwit.be> 
> wrote:
> That's a good analysis of the situation.
> I agree this is largely a legal issue to be solved by organisations like the 
> SFC.
> At a deeper level though I agree this could only have happened because OSS 
> has allowed github to become such a golden cage for our projects in the first 
> place. And this seems to happen over and over again.
> It has become very hard to leave github because of the network effect. And I 
> agree we can't make others not have a clone of the gnucash repo on github. 
> That doesn't mean we can't make a statement by not hosting our own 
> forks/clones there ourselves if we care enough.
> I don't know if *I* care enough. I am concerned about these developments,  
> but at the same time I wouldn't want to add more infrastructure maintenance 
> to our already limited time.
> SFC suggested a few alternatives, either hosted (sourcehut, codeberg) or 
> self-hosted (gitea, gitlab CE, sourcehut).
> Codeberg is very similar to github, except for CI (which is currently in 
> closed beta). So it offers much of what our users/contributors are already 
> used to.
> I don't know about the others.
> As a last semi-OT remark/rant, I think all the alternatives are missing a key 
> piece - federation.
> You either have a centrally hosted platform(codeberg.org,...), or you have 
> completely isolated islands that happen to use the same software (think 
> gitlab.gnome.org, gitlab.kitware.com,...)
> The centrally hosted platforms will invariably lead to similar silo effects 
> as github.com or gitlab.com if they become more successful. The islands on 
> the other hand currently have no means of interaction or integration (like 
> tracking an issue issue on another 'island's' tracker, forking to another 
> 'island', creating pull requests across 'islands',...). So in both cases the 
> very distributed nature of git is not brought up to the level of the web 
> interfaces.
> The social media landscape is in the same boat in fact, though federation may 
> very slowly be getting a foot in the door with the recent twitter debacle and 
> a fair number of users now start to experiment with Mastodon.
> Regards,
> Geert
> Op zondag 13 november 2022 20:50:53 CET schreef john:
> > My number one use of GitHub, and IIRC the reason we mirrored it there in the
> > first place, is to refer to and reference code when communicating on these
> > lists, bug reports, and IRC. That's replaceable too by serving the repo
> > ourselves or moving the mirror back to Sourceforge.
> >
> > The fear is that Github's copilot will violate our author's copyrights by
> > copying sufficiently substantial sections of code into a non-GPL project,
> > stripping off the copyright and license in the process. I've seen claims
> > that this has already happened.
> >
> > In my completely non-legal opinion that makes every project that uses
> > CoPilot GPL and the FSF should be suing all of them to publish their source
> > code. But I think that's also true of any project whose developers read
> > Stack Overflow or search on the web for solutions to their coding problems.
> > The world has changed since the GPL was conceived and sharing source code
> > meant sending me a blank DECTape and a paid mailer or downloading a tarball
> > by anonymous FTP and code on the web--regardless of where--is findable by
> > web-searching for a function name, and even if we don't provide web access
> > someone else will. The GPL encourages that.
> >
> > Plus the bird has flown. Sure, we could take down our Github repo. That
> > won't affect the 673 forks, and some of those folks will get our code from
> > somewhere and keep their repos up to date.
> >
> > In fact it seems to me that the Software Freedom Conservancy is missing the
> > point: The problem with Copilot isn't that it's encouraging
> > proprietary-software developers to use open-source code in their projects.
> > Although the GPL requires that using GPL code turns the project into a GPL
> > one, most other FLOSS licenses don't. They require only that copyright
> > statements are preserved and Copilots failure to do so is the real problem.
> >  That's a matter for the courts; in order to get the matter before the
> > courts somebody has to sue Github. Filing those suits on behalf of their
> > client projects is the Software Freedom Conservancy's job, see
> > https://sfconservancy.org/copyleft-compliance/. Since they have a history
> > of suing over GPL compliance the boycott call suggests to me that they
> > think they'd lose, either on merit or just because Microsoft has a bigger
> > badder legal team. It's interesting that the FSF has nothing to say on
> > their own, just a few links to articles:
> > https://www.fsf.org/licensing/copilot.
> >
> > Regards,
> > John Ralls

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