
when I press the "get online quotes" button
finance-quote-wrapper gets called, but it runs forever (at least
a few hours, then I killed it).

I patched libgnucash/app-utils/gnc-quotes.cpp to write the json
string to a file before it is passed to finance-quote-wrapper.
This string looks good to me.

When I pass the string to finance-quote-wrapper on the command line,
it spawns a few error messages of the form
"Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.26.1/Finance/Quote/YahooJSON.pm line 168"
but it produces an output that looks good to me as well.

There are about 60 different stocks/funds/currencies in the
request, the return string is about 20 kByte.

Any idea how I could debug this further?


PS: Getting online quotes used to work with GnuCash 4.x for me.
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