Am 2023-11-11 18:46, schrieb john:
On Nov 11, 2023, at 04:18, Manfred Usselmann <> wrote:

# Next issue:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*** Checking out gnucash-git *** [12/14]


CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:345 (message):
Neither guile 3.0, guile 2.2, nor guile 2.0 were found GnuCash can't run without one of them. Ensure that one is installed and can be found with

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
*** Error during phase configure of gnucash-git: ########## Error running cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/C/users/mu/Entwicklung/GnuCash/gcdev64/gnucash/stable/inst -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=lib -G Ninja -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$MSYS2ROOT -DPERL_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/perl -DGNC_DBD_DIR=$PREFIX/lib/dbd -DGTEST_ROOT=$SRCROOT/googletest/ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug /C/users/mu/Entwicklung/GnuCash/gcdev64/gnucash/stable/src/gnucash-git *** [12/14] # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Not sure what this one is. I believe there was already a long running build of guile2.

*** Checking out guile2 *** [10/14]
*** Skipping guile2 (package and dependencies not updated) *** [10/14]

Any hint for me?

You probably need at least mingw-w64-i686-webkitgtk3-2.4.11-999.5-any. WebKit is a long-running sore point. MSYS2 periodically updates one of the webkit dependencies and I have to build another one, a process that can take several days. Another wrinkle is that Derek's windows VM and my windows VM sometimes diverge. Getting them back is another manual process that I have to make time to do carefully so as not to break the nightly builds; keeping those working is the top priority for gnucash-on-windows.

Completely understandable.

With a new installation you're likely out of sync with both of those reference MSYS2 installations. Having a mismatch will cause link errors with libgnc-html.dll.

We'll see...

For guile, make sure that $PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig/guile-2.2.pc exists; if it does make sure that PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains $PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig.

It does.

$ pkg-config --list-all
aqbanking AqBanking - A library for online banking functions and financial data import/export atomic_ops The atomic_ops library - Atomic memory update operations portable implementation bdw-gc Boehm-Demers-Weiser Conservative Garbage Collector - A garbage collector for C and C++ guile-2.2 GNU Guile - GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension

But for cmake / pkg_check_modules only the packages from gcdev64/msys2/mingw32/lib/pkgconfig are visible.


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