On 5/25/2017 11:49 AM, Maf. King wrote:
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On Thursday, 25 May 2017 16:33:39 BST you wrote:
Maf thanks so much!!!  Helpful certainly.  But I don’t understand IIRC, YMMV
and HTH.

Side by side reports, etc.

I can't really advise you on that as I do not try to do that sort of thing from within gnucash. I could have written the special reports (this was long before gnucash offered that special stuff) as I was an experienced analyst, and while never paid to program in LISP, could get by in it so could have handled the SCHEME (essentially, a lisp dialect). But a very experienced accountant told me "don't bother, Mike. Just produce the separate raw reports, export them, then use your favorite editor to put it all together, adding annotations, fixed text*, pretty printing, etc. under control, of that full power editor. That's what any of us would do."

In other words, the raw reports and what I present to the board of directors not the same. To fill out forms for the government, etc. might require different levels of detail/grouping than the boards would want to see.


* Being "public charities", the books are "open". Not that anybody from the public has ever asked to see them. But the reports have to be such that they WOULD make sense if seen. Thus while the BoD's of each organization know the accounting principles/choices used and wouldn't need to see them each time, they are included as fixed text. Statements like "fixed assets are durables costing more than $500 and will be depreciated over four years" << so somebody reading the financial report would know that durables costing under $500 would have been immediately expensed >> And any unusual amounts are annotated. Certain lines in the report could be larger font, bold, etc. So even if getting the report side by side out of gnucash, would STILL be using an editor before getting to the finished product.

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