
ar <ar123...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> I had just switched to gnucash from many years of quicken. So, far it works
> fine.
> The only problem is account matching. I am not looking into something fancy
> - the vast majority of our expenses is in less than 10 stores and less than
> 10 gas stations, everything else I can classify manually.
> In addition to that there are quirks/bugs per reporting company.
> I suppose I can easily write a script that will perform proper matching.
> However, I am using it on win10 and there are no python bindings. Hence I
> have to write a standalone pre-processor that will read downloaded file,
> fix the quirks and add explicit account-id string.
> My current plan is to generate .csv file and then import it. Should I
> target .qif instead? What strings should I use as account-ids in .csv file?
> Say if want something to be matched to 'Expenses:Auto:Gas' what string
> should I use? Should I add any configuration for this to happen?

I would recommend yes, convert it to qif.  Then you can add a QIF


which the importer will default to the GnuCash Account of the same name.
If you need to insert an Asset/Liability then you can insert a QIF


and the same thing will happen.

> Thank you,
> Aleksey

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
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