If you take out a loan (a liability), the amount you borrow is now in your 
hands as an asset.

So if you borrow €1000, you have increased your liabilities by €1000, and the 
amount you borrowed is perhaps in a bank account. The bank account is the asset 
and the loan is the liability.

The entry for this transaction would be:

Debit   Assets:Checking                 €1000
        Credit  Liabilities:Loans       €1000

The accounting equation in its most basic form is:

Assets = Liabilities + Equity

What you’ve just done is this:

Assets + €1000 = (Liabilities + €1000) + Equity

Since you added €1000 to both sides of the equation, it is still in balance.

This is a very simplified explanation however. I would suggest finding a basic 
accounting text, in print or online, to get a good grasp of the accounting 
equation and how to record basic transactions. The GnuCash Guide will help you 
enter transactions in the software, but it cannot by itself teach you 



> On May 31, 2017, at 9:31 PM, Eneko Gotzon <kont...@enekogotzon.com> wrote:
> Hi all bytes & money masters :)
> In the Accounting Equation
> <https://www.gnucash.org/docs/v2.6/C/gnucash-guide/basics-accounting1.html>
> section of the GnuCash Guide it is stated that: *you could have an increase
> in assets if you have a parallel increase in liabilities*. I do not well
> understand that:
>   - Assets are about owned things.
>   - Liabilities are about owed things.
>   - So, *how can an increase in liability increase the assets*?
> Sorry about this kind of questions; I'm an absolute beginner in both
> accounting & GnuCash; in addition, I'm also a self teacher in English. I
> can understand your silence.
> Thank you.
> -- 
> *Eneko Gotzon Ares*
> *Jakintza, Sorkuntza, Etika, Estetika, Bizitza*
> *Donostia, EH-NA*
> *Tf *
> *(+34) 943 273 431 — (+34) 639 626 858*
> *——————————————————Mezu hau eta berari atxikitako agiri oro isilpeko dira
> eta soilik hartzaileari zuzentzen zaizkie. Mezu hau hutsegitez jasoz gero
> berau ezabatzea eskatzen da eta igorleari horren berri ematea eskertuko
> litzake. Baimen agerikorik gabe debekatuta dago mezu honen edota bere
> edukinen edozein erabilera edo hedatzea, bai osoki zein zatiz. Mezu
> elektronikoak andea daitezke; mezu hau andeaturik, aldaturik edota aizun
> balego Eneko Gotzon Aresek edota bere ordezkariek uko egiten diote
> edonolako ardurei.*
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