On 31 August 2017 at 12:27, John Ralls <jra...@ceridwen.us> wrote:

> It also doesn't make backups, so unless the user does there's no way to
> roll back to an earlier state. Since all changes are immediately written to
> storage there's also no way to abandon a bunch of changes by quitting
> without saving.
> I'm accomplishing that part by writing the sqlite3 file to Dropbox, which
provides file history (so I can roll back if necessary) and takes care of
replicating the data between my desktop and laptop, provided I'm careful
never to run the app in both places at the same time.

The backups could be automatically accomplished with other storage that
provides a versioned backup... MacOS's Time Machine would do the trick, for
example.  ZFS doesn't work particularly well on Linux (it's a Solaris and
BSD thing), but I imagine there's some other option for obtaining snapshots
there, and likewise I assume Windows would have a similar feature.
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