On vrijdag 1 september 2017 13:47:40 CEST Sandro Grech wrote:
> Hi Colin,
> I tried both for no avail.
> currently with the version 2.6.14, it is working.
> install 2.6.17 and could not save again.
> rolled to .14 and works again --- hence my suspicion of a bug .. . but am
> not knowledgeable enough to say so
This definitely looks like a regression. Can you file a bug for this please ?
If you do, please add a trace file [1] from a failed attempt. The best way to 
do so is this:
- first remove all existing trace files (or move them aside)
- start gnucash (2.6.17)
- try to save to mysql, which will fail
- quit gnucash
- obtain the single trace file now found in the temporary directory
- create a bug [2] and attach the trace file


[1] http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Tracefile
[2] Refer to http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Bugzilla to learn how to use 
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