Thank you for the response John.

It was nice to know some historical context on this one.

I changed the ~/Library/Application Support/Gnucash/accelerator-map file as you 
suggested (see sample extract below). First, I had it as "<Meta>b”, “<Meta>l”, 
etc. Started up gnucash, but nothing was happening when I pressed the Alt+l or 
Alt+j key on an open account register while I was on a transaction line.

So I closed gnucash, went back and edited the file again to replace <Meta> with 
<Primary> as shown in the extract here. Started up gnucash again, and used the 
“Command” key with these letter combinations, but still no effect.

; (gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/GncPluginPageRegisterActions/ViewStyleBasicAction" 
; (gtk_accel_path 
"<Actions>/GncPluginPageRegisterActions/ViewStyleAutoSplitAction" "<Primary>l”)
; (gtk_accel_path 
"<Actions>/GncPluginPageRegisterActions/JumpTransactionAction" "<Primary>j”)
; (gtk_accel_path 

I perform these actions fairly frequently on any given transaction register, so 
I am keen on getting this to work.

Am I missing something?


On 12-Sep-2017, at 8:09 PM, John Ralls 
<<>> wrote:

On Sep 12, 2017, at 5:30 AM, Deva - 
<<>> wrote:


I am running Gnucash v2.6.6 on Mac OS Sierra.

This is in response to an earlier post clarifying how to setup keyboard access 
to frequently performed functions by Christopher Lam (see below). I couldn’t 
find a way to respond to that specific thread from my daily digest mail, hence 

I presume that post was about a windows fix. On my Mac, I found a similar file 
called osx_accel_map under 

I edited the file (after making a backup of the original file) for the 2 lines 
mentioned in the earlier post, but instead of "<Primary>j" and "<Primary>l”, I 
changed it to “<Meta>j” and “<Meta>l” based on other such entries in the file.

I restarted gnucash after these edits, but these accelerator keys don’t seem to 
work on an open register. I tried pressing both <CTRL> as well as <COMMAND> for 
the <Meta> key, but with no effect - nothing happens.

Can you please let me know how I can set this up for a Mac?


The file you want to edit is ~/Library/Application 
Support/Gnucash/accelerator-map. The one in the bundle is obsolete and not used.

<Primary> means “Command” on Mac and “Control” everywhere else. <Meta> means 
“Alt”; on a Mac that’s the Alt/Option key. (The history about that is that I 
had a spirited discussion with Mitch Natterer of The GIMP about how to map 
control to command. <command> isn’t a modifier key in Gtk. I wanted to map 
command to meta, but Mitch insisted that <Meta> should be Alt/Option to be 
consistent with Linux and Win32. He solved the problem rather elegantly by 
inventing <Primary>. Shortly after that Mike Alexander improved my accelerator 
map code in GnuCash to not use osx_accel_map but didn’t remove it in case it 
might prove useful.)

John Ralls

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