I just read your message after I sent my previous one. I was using MYSQL 
replication with my desktop servers and only running a client my laptop, but 
after realizing how quick the dump & restore was and how rarely I actually "go 
mobile", it was easier for me to just do the restore from the dump. However, 
your point is well taken. Since I already have the MySQL server running on my 
laptop, I can do a MYSQL master-slave replication. I just didn't think about 
it. Thanks!
- Art

    On Tuesday, September 19, 2017, 11:28:30 PM EDT, DaveC49 
<davidcous...@bigpond.com> wrote:  
 Hi Art, Roger

Just a quick comment. If you are using the MYSQL backend you can sync
databases on different machines reasonably easily using MYSQL master-slave
replication (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/replication.html) as an
alternative to maintaining a mobile copy.

There is a bit of a learning curve in setting it up and some maintenance if
the databases do get out of sync. I use it on a Linux desktop and my Linux 
laptop to keep a number of application databases synced using SSL over my
LAN.  It syncs automatically whenever the laptop is connected to the LAN. I
haven't tried syncing from a Linux box to a Windows box but it shouldn't be
too much of a problem as it is all done in MYSQL configuration as long as
the basic underlying network connectivity is there. There can be timing
issues if the databases on different machines are updated at the same time
which are not generally a problem for a single user.

You can use the TinyCA (https://tinyca.alioth.debian.org/) to generate the
necessary SSL certificates. I set MySQL  both machines up as master-master
servers so that no matter which machine I make changes to the database they
are  duplicated to the other machine.

David Cousens

David Cousens
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