Op donderdag 30 november 2017 04:26:37 CET schreef Brian Davis:
> I attempted to run the script at:
> https://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-on-windows
> To create a build environment for GnuCash on Windows where it failed at:
> Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.812
> Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
> Boostrap GnuCash Development on Windows
> ---------------------------------------
> This script is intended for people that wish to develop GnuCash on Windows
> It will download and install the minimal set of tools
> to run a first build of the GnuCash sources.
> It will install
> - mingw-get, an msys shell and wget in c:\gcdev\mingw
> - git in c:\gcdev\git-1.9.4
> - a gnucash-on-windows git repository cloned from
>   git://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash-on-windows.git
>   into c:\gcdev\gnucash-on-windows.git
> - a GnuCash git repository cloned from
>   git://github.com/Gnucash/gnucash.git
>   into c:\gcdev\gnucash.git
> Notes:
> * Components already found in the given locations
>   won't be touched. Instead the available versions
>   will be used in that case.
> * If the proposed locations don't suit you, you can
>   pass alternate locations as named parameters to this script.
>   For example to use c:\soft as base directory you can run this script as
>   bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\soft
>   Which parameters you can modify can be found near the beginning of this
> script.
> Continue with the set up (Y/N) ? y
> Checking c:\gcdev\mingw\bin\mingw-get.exe... Found, no need to install
> Installing msys and wget... Success
> Checking c:\gcdev\git-1.9.4\bin\git.exe... Found, no need to install
> Checking if c:\gcdev\gnucash-on-windows.git
>          is a gnucash-on-windows git repository... Most likely ok, won't
> clone
> Checking if c:\gcdev\gnucash.git
>          is a GnuCash git repository... Not found
> Set up GnuCash git repository...
> Failed
> *** ERROR ***
> Failed to set up GnuCash git repository.
> Cannot continue until this has been resolved.
> Pres enter to continue...
> Also FYI "Pres" is spelled "Press" also when running script with command
> line switch:
> c:\projects\GnuCash>bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\projects\GnuCash
> Gives the impression that:
> If the proposed locations don't suit you, you can
>   pass alternate locations as named parameters to this script.
>   For example to use c:\soft as base directory you can run this script as
>   bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\soft
> is a complete lie as it still installs to c:\gcdev\
> Thoughts?

It's not a complete lie, rather incomplete. I have just tested again locally 
and apparently the GLOBAL_DIR parameter is only picked up if you run the 
command through cscript. The message mentions to do this only in case of 
unexpected errors, but it looks like it should always be done.

So, please try this instead:
cscript.exe bootstrap_win_dev.vbs /GLOBAL_DIR:c:\projects\GnuCash


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