I'm using the bond quote grabbing code I wrote in 2012 which has been serving
me faithfully since 2016-04-04. I am using https in the url, here's the full
contents I get from the post request:

Can't connect to www.treasurydirect.gov:443 (Connection refused)

LWP::Protocol::https::Socket: connect: Connection refused at
/Library/Perl/5.18/LWP/Protocol/http.pm line 49.

I don't know if the requirements of the site have changed and I'm sending it
a poorly formatted "form" in the post. I am still able to manually pop onto
the site, and enter the necessary data to get prices in their tabulated
format. I even took a look at the resultant page via the "Inspect Element"
capabilities of my browser. The data field names are the same as they always
were, I just can't see any reason for it failing.

P.S. I don't get any useful data from the "official" Perl module,
USFedBonds.pm, either.

Ken Farley
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