Op dinsdag 19 december 2017 15:58:38 CET schreef Adrien Monteleone:
> Thanks Geert,
> Good to know if I ever need this, export is not the way to go.
> Out of curiosity, could you shed light on why the limitation to export only
> one account type at a time?
> Regards,
> Adrien

I believe this stems from the state of import/export at the time this feature 
was added. Csv import was primarily intended to import bank statements and 
with that limited scope had limited functionality. The csv export was written 
as an inverse operation for this csv import, and in that mindset it was never 
considered to export the GL as the csv import wouldn't be able to import it 
anyway (support for roundtrip export-import was taken in consideration but not 
properly implemented).

In 2.7 the csv importer has been made much more flexible and I believe it 
would even be able to import GL like transaction data now.

The csv exporter has not (yet) gotten the same attention in 2.7 so GL export 
is still not available. It would make more sense now though to line it up with 
the improved csv importer.

Is there an enhancement request for this ? If not, feel free to file one.


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