
Macho Philipovich <mach...@riseup.net> writes:

> Dear fellow Gnucash users,
> I have two questions about invoices.
> First, I deal with some of my clients in French, some in English. I'd
> like to be able to provide invoices in either language. Gnucash reports
> generally allow me to edit all of the headings in the options menu and
> then save the report configuration, which is helpful, but is there a way
> that I can switch the display to use the French style for currency
> amounts, i.e. use a comma instead of period to indicate cents, and show
> the dollar sign after the amount instead of before?

Unfortunately the report translation is based on your system locale.  If
you are running GnuCash in English, your reports will be in English.  To
get reports in French you will need to change your locale and run
GnuCash in French.  Note that this will NOT translate any data
entries.  If your data is in English (including Account Names, etc) then
that will NOT get translated in a report.

The same is true for decimal and thousands separators -- it's based on
your locale.

> Second, in Quebec we have to charge two VAT taxes (federal GST and
> provincial QST), and my understanding is that the authorities prefer
> that we show the calculation of those taxes separately on invoices and
> that we provide customers with our registration numbers for each tax as
> part of the invoice, so that they can provide them when claiming those
> taxes back if need be. Is there any way to separate the two VAT taxes
> within the invoice? Currently I've just added a note explaining this and
> providing the registration numbers in the notes/terms part of the
> invoice, but I wonder if there isn't a better way.

Of course.  Set a tax table with two entries (one for GST, one for PST)
and when you print the invoice select the "show individual taxes" option
(which may be called something else, but that's the gist of the option).

> Thanks, as always,
> Macho

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
       Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
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