Yes, sort of.

I found these instructions for Mailman 

Using the email interface:

        • Open a mail program which sends mail from the address you want to 
        • Send a mail to the list unsubscribe address, which will be of the 
form LISTNAME-leave@DOMAIN. The subject and body of this message will be 
ignored, so it doesn't matter what you put there.
After following one of these sets of instructions (you don't need to do both!), 
you will be sent a confirmation mail and must follow the instructions given in 
that mail to complete the unsubscription. This is to stop people from 
unsubscribing you without your permission. In addition, a moderator may need to 
approve your unsubscription.


In our case, that would be which would do the 
trick. I suppose that could be included as a mailto: link in the footer with 
instructions to ‘click this link and hit send’

I’d think though sending them to the wiki page with a screen shot for 
instructions with giant red arrows should be sufficient.

I recall some old lists I used to be on that you could send the list an email 
with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject or body and it would do the trick. I’m not 
sure if that was part of the list software or not, but I recall there were 
other commands you could send that way, so it probably was.

Otherwise, you’d need some sort of script to parse the email and either perform 
the action, or redirect the mail to that -leave address which would complete 
the process. But that’s just getting to be too much work.


> On Jan 30, 2018, at 9:22 PM, David T. via gnucash-user 
> <> wrote:
> We have spent a heck of a lot of bandwidth on this topic, and we seem to do 
> so every time someone sends one of these unsubscribe requests.
> I personally agree with Derek that it is a hopeless and thankless task to 
> account for all the possibilities, and I would rather find a different 
> solution than editing the note on every message that no one ever reads 
> anyway. 
> Is there any way to set a mail rule for messages with "unsubscrib*" in the 
> subject line, such that they receive the information automatically from the 
> server, and NOT send them to the list at all? I am frankly tired of having 
> this discussion over and over again. 
> David
>  On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 4:18, Greg Feneis<> wrote:   Hi, 
> Just a thought about the footer and the wiki.
> The footer directs the reader to update their subscription prefs or unsub
> at
> It also now directs Nabble or Gmane users to
> for more information.
> Since the link to the wiki also has a link to the mailing list, perhaps
> make the footer just lead the reader to the wiki page.  Then embellish the
> wiki page as needed.
>   As things change, if more mirrors are supported, etc. or if ppl get
> stuck, instructions could be added or removed or enhanced in this wiki page.
> I'm thinking this would help keep the help footer small, which will help
> make the CC this list Reply ALL request much more prominent.
> Kind regards,
> Greg Feneis
> On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 10:18 AM, Derek Atkins <> wrote:
>> Liz <> writes:
>>> On Thu, 25 Jan 2018 17:11:25 -0600
>>> David Carlson <> wrote:
>>>> In that regard, where-ever there are instructions about subscribing
>>>> and un-subscribing it would be useful to have a link to the Nabble
>>>> mirror, if it is appropriate to call it that.
>>>> David C
>>> There isn't a place on the default mailman pages to put that. I'm sure
>>> Derek will say "patches welcome"
>> Actully, no.  IMHO, there are just too many potential mirrors out there
>> to list them all.  Tomorrow a new one could come along and provide the
>> same service.  I think it's safe to say "Other services mirror the
>> GnuCash list (e.g., nabble, gmane, etc).  These services are not under
>> the control of the GnuCash team and if you use them you must unsubscribe
>> from them."    But that's a mouthful, and I honestly don't know how to
>> say "don't be a bonehead" more succinctly (and less causticly)  ;)
>>> :)
>> I see you did make a change.  Perhaps something more like, "If you use
>> an external list service (e.g. Nabble, Gmane, etc) please see
>> for more information."  ??
>>> Liz
>>> Please remember to CC this list on all your replies.
>>> You can do this by using Reply-To-List or Reply-All.
>> -derek
>> --
>>         Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
>>         Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
>>         URL:   PP-ASEL-IA    N1NWH
>>                        PGP key available
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