You're right Geert, this class of application rarely has theming
capabilities, but it was a very nice feature of GnuCash and it at least had
the capability of dressing up an otherwise rather utilitarian interface.

Personally, if you would just go in and adjust the tool-tips to be
something other that thin white text on a jet black background, I'd be 3/4
the way to happy.  The text literally takes on a rainbow effect on my
monitors because the antialiasing isn't correct for the colors used and the
stroke weight of the font.  That can't be a huge undertaking to fix. Don't
worry about the antialiasing, just make the font color black, and font
weight bold and set the background color to maybe 15% grey and it ought to
look way better.

As for stepping up, I'd love to, and I used to develop financial systems
customizations and full modules in what has slowly morphed from Solomon IV
to Great Plains to Microsoft Dynamics.  But that was in a Visual Basic 6 /
MS SQL Server environment.  Not to mention somewhere around 18 years ago.
I have no idea how to develop anything in the Linux environment, and don't
even know what language GnuCash is written in.  Never been involved in a
"community" project of this magnitude.  Overall, I think the problem you
face is that your audience (whatever platform they are on) are accountants
and bookkeepers, not programmers.  Hard to find just the right development
skill set and knowledge of accounting all in one person.

And thank you for listening to my gripe anyway,  ;)


On Wed, Jul 4, 2018 at 7:33 AM Geert Janssens <>

> Op woensdag 4 juli 2018 13:56:36 CEST schreef Thomas Forrester:
> > I think trying to make al the Windows users into programmers just so they
> > can get a theme they like - something they always had in 2.x - is a
> crying
> > shame.
> Personally I think you're overreacting here. How many more serious
> applications on Windows allow custom themes ? I don't think MS Office
> does,
> nor LibreOffice, Firefox used to have something like personalities, but I
> think they dropped that as well. And for sure *none* of the accounting
> packages I have personally used on Windows (Winbooks, Expert M, Vero,
> Popsy,...) did have anything like custom themes.
> I agree it's unfortunate gnucash can't provide a nice gui for that at this
> point and I understand very well the frustration of seeing a feature you
> relied disappear.
> > I've said it before, but I guess I'll say it again, I realize this
> > application is developed primarily on Linux.  That's completely awesome,
> > but like many other cross-platform applications, I suspect the installed
> > base of Windows users may eclipse all others.  I've seen this before
> where
> > the development platform takes second-fiddle to Windows as the most
> popular
> > usage platform.  I'm not trying to create debate on what platform is good
> > for what, but I do think it's important to maintain feature parity
> between
> > platforms.  This theming issue on Windows should be addressed in an
> update
> > soon.
> >
> So I'll repeat as well what I've said before: someone has to step in to
> provide the code. The currently active developers are working on more
> serious
> issues (program crashes, broken pre-existing functionality,...)
> So as there are so many more Windows users than on other platforms: I'm
> eagerly waiting for some of those Windows native users to care enough
> about
> gnucash to actually want to help in coding Windows specific features. This
> is
> a community project after all!
> > That said, if it's as simple as getting some files, or adding a two-line
> > file somewhere, please tell me where to go to get the files, where they
> > need to be put, and what to put in a file.  A tutorial on how to manually
> > theme GnuCash on Windows is better than no option at all.
> >
> That information is collected on this wiki page:
> Regards,
> Geert
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