
Adrien Monteleone <adrien.montele...@lusfiber.net> writes:

> Honestly, I’ve yet to make heads or tails of that report and have it
> even remotely look useful to tell me anything about my financial
> activity. Certainly, the default account selections produce some odd
> results as you noticed. Perhaps I have to play with the account
> selection to get something useful.

The best way to think of the Cash Flow report is this:

Draw a circle around a set of accounts that you want to report on.  This
separates your accounts into two groups, the Inside group and the
Outside group.  The Cash Flow report then analyzes all the transactions
and will report on any transaction that crosses the line between Inside
and Outside.  Specifically it will tell you the direction, and into (or
from) which Outside Account.

Any transactions that are solely between "Inside" accounts are ignored.
Similarly, any transactions that are solely between "Outside" accounts
are also ignored.  Only transactions that cross the line will be

> Specifically, there might be reasons money goes ’to’ A/R. Possibly a
> refund situation, maybe something with a credit note is involved. I
> don’t think an unlinked payment would be the issue because that would
> be a credit to A/R not a debit. Payments are credits to A/R and debits
> to the payment method—checking, cash, etc. The fact that it gets
> unlinked to clear an invoice doesn’t change the transaction itself.


> Regards,
> Adrien

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       Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
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