I won't comment on whether the migration process has become simpler over the 
years, as I haven't done it in about as long. 

There has been a huge amount of discussion over the years on the question of 
migration from Quicken (usually tied either to the beginning of a new calendar 
year, or the imposition of a new fee structure by Intuit).

A search of the mailing list archives will turn these up. 

Additionally, the wiki includes a summary of many of the points that have been 
raised on the topic.  wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Importing.2FExporting_Data

I can't comment on the ease of migration from the other application, but I can 
say that the strict enforcement of double entry accounting in gnucash causes 
most Quicken refugees some discomfort. People with complicated stock holdings 
also encounter special challenges typically. 

  On Thu, Aug 1, 2019 at 6:54, Jean-David Beyer via 
gnucash-user<gnucash-user@gnucash.org> wrote:   On 7/31/19 5:01 PM, Clint 
Chaplin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am looking for, well, some assurance here.
> How many of you migrated to GnuCash from another financial product?  If you
> did, what did you migrate from?  How much data did you have to migrate?
> And would you do it again knowing what you know now?

I ran Quicken for a few years, but I could not stand Windows 95 (current
at the time), so I switched to Red Hat Linux 5 in about mid 1998. A
little later, I started using GnuCash. It could presumably convert from
Quicken, but it made such a mess of mine that I just dropped all the old
data and started afresh.

I suppose in the decade or more since than, Gnucash has improved the
behavior of the conversions.

  .~.  Jean-David Beyer
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