I've been whacking away at a bit of GTK3 css formatting to make things a bit
more stylish for me.
Gnucash 3.8, MacOS 10.12.6
The question I have is: Can I do any formatting or other modifications to
the header bar entries in the register? I'd like to be able to do the
following items:
(1) Make some of the smaller things like the Date be centered as opposed to
right justified.
(2) Make the header text bold.
(3) Get rid of the "Tot " prefix on Deposit and Withdrawal, mostly because
what I actually get is "ot Withdrawal"

Are any of these wishes possible? I've been trying to dig through the source
code for some insights, but it's not working so well.

P.S. I cannot, no matter where I put the settings.ini or theme files, get
any downloaded themes to do anything whatsoever to the GUI appearance. Has
anyone running on a Mac had any luck with this, and if so, where do you put
your settings and stuff?

Ken Farley
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