I don't run Gnucash in full size window either, but the Inspector apparently
thought I should...or something I hit in my debugging play triggered the
full-screen in the horizontal direction.

The things I'd most like to change on the register header:
* Make the text-align on the columns "center".
* Change the font-style and font-size for the header text (Bold? Smaller?
More compact font?).
* Change the "Tot Deposit" and "Tot Withdrawal" to something shorter, like
"Deposit" and "Withdraw" The current strings are always chopped off because
the columns in the register aren't sized as if I'm making millions of dollar

I'd also like to use some icons I makde for the GTK2 era for the buttons in
the toolbars. This would be an easy thing to do if I re-compiled the
application, since they're done with .png files in the source.

I've done a lot of digging down into the Gnucash.app directory. I'm from the
old-school Unix world and find it easier to maneuver down the directory
structures in a terminal rather than through Finder. Especially since Apple
feels the need to protect me from myself by hiding all those hidden files
(like .emacs, .login, etc.) from me. Argh.

I didn't know that the actual "executable" for the .app files is buried
inside them. Very useful bit of info, that.


Ken Farley
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