I've done a bit of investigation of this and found what you're looking for.
Here's the lines from my gtk.css file that change the very line you're
asking about:

  background-color: @hueBGMain ;

.GncRegisterPage label
  font-family:      "CopperPlate", sans-serif ;
  font-size:        12pt ;
  background-color: @hueClear ;
  color:            @hueTextNormal ;
  margin:           2px ;

I like the CopperPlate font for this one - it looks kind of cool for that
single line. You can change the "@" prefixed terms to actual color names.
Those are variables I set at the beginning of the .css file so I can use
them in multiple places but change the color with a single modification. If
you're interested in doing this kind of thing, here's the syntax for my

@define-color hueClear          rgba(   0,   0,   0, 0.00 ) ;
@define-color hueTextNormal     black ;
@define-color hueBGMain         rgba( 220, 220, 220, 1.00 ) ;

A while back I posted my results for a gtk.css file that I like. You could
probably search for it if you want to have a look at some of the other odd
settings I might have found. I found that the best way for me to determine
what was available out there for the settings was to look at a fully defined
theme for GTK+. I found lots of things to experiment with and many of them
actually worked and kept me from banging my head on the desk.

Ken Farley
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