Le Vendredi 13 Janvier 2006 23:58, Gunnar Farneb�ck a écrit :
> The patch gunnar_7_8.12 in ticket 36
> (http://trac.gnugo.org/gnugo/ticket/36) may be somewhat controversial,
> so I'd like to hear if anyone has objections.

Plateform independance seems a very good idea.

but i have some questions (i have tons of questions ;-)

i tried various sizes for the -M parameter and it seems to have nearly no 
effect on the speed of the engine while the param is in the range 1 -> 512 
(little slow down for huge cache)

i tried very small size 0.1 , 0.01 and 0.001
there is a significant slowdown for 0.001 (twice slower) but nothing terrible 
for 0.1 or 0.01

Here is my question :
in genmove, at each move during initialisation, there is a call to
and it seems that it clears everything , so the cache is only used during one 
"move generation", and does not survive once the move is played.

i naively thought that the cache would persist during all the game. 
Am i correct, or did i miss some important thing ? 
(i searched in the documentation but did not found this kind of explainations)

$time gnugo -M 0.001 --replay white -l /Big/GO/new-tests/c-61.sgf

$time gnugo -M 0.01 --replay white -l /Big/GO/new-tests/c-61.sgf

$time gnugo -M 100 --replay white -l /Big/GO/new-tests/c-61.sgf


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