Hi Brendan,

do you already know secushare.org?

We are working on a distributed private social network. Right now we
have a prototype implemented in nim-lang.org.

For trying it out have look here: https://gnunet.org/en/use.html#groupchat

We could start to expose a REST API that can be used by a web interface.
If you are interested in helping with such a web interface or in
learning nim let me know!

Happy hacking!


On 10.02.20 03:03, Brendan Miller wrote:
> Hi, all. I am a web/web3 developer interested in helping to build open
> source, private, decentralized alternatives to social platforms like
> Facebook, WeChat, etc. I am coming from a technical starting point of
> IPFS, Ethereum blockchain and secret contract platforms like Enigma
> and Oasis, but I am not yet committed to a certain tech stack, and I
> certainly don't want to reinvent any wheels.
> I am starting to recognize that some of the privacy protecting
> architecture I was envisioning layering on top of IPFS, for example,
> was not really at the right networking layer - it should be handled at
> a lower layer. As a part of that realization, I have recently found
> gnu:net, reclaim:id and related projects and am excited about the
> attention you give these layers.
> I was imagining that the apps I would like to build would be mobile
> apps so that they could be accessible to the majority of users, be
> able to protect the user's private keys, and also be able to run in a
> fully decentralized/mesh situation when needed/desired.
> Textile (https://textile.io/) on top of IPFS interests me because they
> are open source, and provide useful functionalities that I would need.
> And they are set up for mobile apps. As an example of what can be done
> with Textile, you can take a look at this functional photo
> sharing/messaging React Native mobile app:
> https://github.com/textileio/photos
> I have also been looking at open source decentralized identity systems
> like https://github.com/uport-project/uport-connect,
> https://github.com/iden3 and https://github.com/jonnycrunch/ipid.
> Fundamentally, I am an app developer, but one who cares about ensuring
> decentralization and privacy by default, with the ability to safely
> share identity claims, user groups and content/media/files when
> desired. My goal is to build on top of as much existing, reliable,
> maintained open source code as possible so we can show users the full
> functionality they expect from existing social networking apps to make
> it attractive to switch over.
> My questions are these:
>   * Does anything similar to Textile exist in the gnu:net ecosystem?
>   * Can gnu:net practically operate in a battery-sane manner on
>     Android and iOS devices? Is there a guide for how to do this? What
>     tradeoffs are necessary to operate on mobile?
>   * IPFS uses a modular infrastructure. Would it be possible to swap
>     out some lower-level networking layers of IPFS with gnu:net
>     modules for greater privacy? (Reference:
>     https://github.com/ipfs/specs/blob/master/ARCHITECTURE.md)
>   * Would it be possible to somehow make the gnu:net and IPFS
>     ecosystems operationally compatible, perhaps using
>     gateways/bridges, so that their content/data can be shared? If so,
>     how hard would that be?
> Thanks for any insights into these questions, and for your work on
> gnu:net.
> Best,
> Brendan
> https://www.linkedin.com/in/brendanmiller/

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