On Fri, 09 Sep 2005 12:48:07 +0200, Andreas Liebschner said:

> Apparently it successfully imports it, but however I still see the old
> card' s/n under "General key info..:". In fact, I can't sign anything
> because I'm asked for the other card. (I obviousy save before quitting gpg)

Well, this might be a bug or a feature.  I am not sure.  To solve
this, you should first delete your secret subkey (--edit-key; key N;
delkey) and than do the bkuptocard.  This should work; I once tested

> And, is there any way for someone to "empty" the card from all the keys
> stored, after entering the admin pin or something? If it isn't possible,
> is it a "missing feature", or an actual feature?

Missing feature.



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