On Jul 21, 2010, at 10:52 AM, ved...@nym.hush.com wrote:

MFPA expires2010 at ymail.com wrote on
Wed Jul 21 01:49:01 CEST 2010 :

Why would you want to use gnupg for this if md5sum,
sha1sum, sha256sum, etc. are available for most

Maybe he wanted to check if an app he already installed would
this function before downloading another app to do it?

Much simpler reason ;-(

windows command line doesn't recognize it (without cygwin)

not sure what version this was made available, but the '--print-md <algo>' option to gpg will generate a hash, albeit you must visually validate.

$ gpg --print-md SHA1 10MB.dat
10MB.dat: 8C20 6A1A 8759 9F53 2CE6  8675 536F 0B15 4690 0D7A
$ openssl sha1 10MB.dat
SHA1(10MB.dat)= 8c206a1a87599f532ce68675536f0b1546900d7a
$ gpg --print-md SHA512 10MB.dat
10MB.dat: 868D3A19 0F272375 8D1A6449 8A4AC1F1 4B0297E1 6E731A0E EC3A446B
775C65CB 8428AB33 140CEE13 EF51E7BB 3764B5FF 1900CFB3 42A3DBF3
          FCC41DD6 CDD9FCEA
$ openssl dgst -sha512 10MB.dat
SHA512(10MB.dat)= 868d3a190f2723758d1a64498a4ac1f14b0297e16e731a0eec3a446b775c65cb8428ab33140cee13ef51e7bb3764b5ff1900cfb342a3dbf3fcc41dd6cdd9fcea

Chris Ruff
GPG Key: 0x307A351B4EC4B6A1
FGPR: BF2F 2497 22E7 FEB5 C805
      075C 307A 351B 4EC4 B6A1

"No one can see past a choice they don't understand." --The Oracle

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