On 23 July 2010 23:08, Ted Smith <ted...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2010-07-23 at 02:07 -0400, Faramir wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Ted Smith escribió:
>> ...
>> >> Deniable encryption is a useful tool, but it is not a universally good 
>> >> idea.
>> >
>> > An interrogator as described in this thread is a movie plot threat. In
>> > reality, nobody is going to torture you for your key, because there are
>> > much easier ways of obtaining your cleartext or figuring out if you have
>> > a hidden volume.
>>   Well, I suppose in most countries nobody is going to torture you, but
>> there are other countries where you can't be so sure... Also, an
>> interrogator that doesn't care about hurting an innocent can be very
>> dangerous, if he suspects he is being fooled.
> Nobody in any country is going to torture you for your key, because
> keyloggers are much less expensive than torturers + torturing equipment.
> It's much easier to just place a keylogger somehow and get the key in
> plaintext with no fuss in a week. There are dozens of other ways to do
> something like this.
> Torture is a great movie plot threat; people can easily imagine it
> happening, so they overestimate its likelihood. In reality, it is
> exceedingly rare for people to be tortured for their encryption keys.

Tell that one to my wife though. LoL


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