
The Windows installer version of GnuPG 1.4 uses a statically linked bzip
library.  Thus the bzip2 bug affects this version.

We have not done a gnupg 1.4 release for more than a year.  I believe it
is best to first do a release candidate.  There a couple of bug fixes
collected over the last year to go into 1.4.11, but nothing really
important.  However to build the 1.4 windows installer we better use the
new source along with an updated bzip.  Here we go:

GnuPG 1.4.11 release candidate 1 is availabale at 

  ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/alpha/gnupg/gnupg-1.4.11rc1.tar.bz2 (3360k)

and the Windows installer with the updated bzip2 at:

  ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/alpha/gnupg/gnupg-w32cli-1.4.11rc1.exe (1607k)

SHA-1 checksums are:

56a9da797bf17f6447f1243ac682d4e7b91e24f0  gnupg-1.4.11rc1.tar.bz2
c6f421a7874c734d1d66bd756d1a5ee3cd5a44ee  gnupg-w32cli-1.4.11rc1.exe

Please check it out and report problems to this list.  Note that
translations are not completely up to date.

We are also preparing a new version of Gpg4win; this may take a couple
of days.



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