On 2/15/11 8:38 AM, AgoristTeen1994 wrote:
> Okay thanks for the help though I'm still somewhat confused...I understand
> that they key id is the entire keypair, but then how do  I found out what is
> just my public key, and just my secret key, the reason I"m asking is that if
> I want to give my public key to someone, then I apparently give the entire
> keyid since that has my secret key too..or am I wrong on that and I can give
> them the entire keyid? Thanks again and have a nice day.

In my opinion, the easiest way is to:

1) Send your key to a keyserver like pool.sks-keyservers.net.  Rest
assured this only sends the public part of your key.  (In
Thunderbird/Enigmail you do this by going to OpenPGP -> Key Management
-> Right clicking on your key -> Upload public keys to keyservers)

2) Send a signed email to the person you want to correspond with.

That person can then import the key and verify the signature.  And once
they have your key they can encrypt to you.

If you don't want to send your keys to the keyserver, you can email them
a copy of the key.  (In Enigmail you do this by going to OpenPGP -> Key
Management -> Right clicking on your key -> Send public keys by email.)

If you want to test everything out, there is a robot email address at
adele...@gnupp.de .  If you try to send that your public key, it well
tell you if you did everything right or not, and suggest some next steps
to continue testing.


"I am gravely disappointed. Again you have made me unleash my dogs of war."

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