Op 15-3-2011 16:29, Aaron Toponce schreef:

>> I don't know, but I do know that adding IDEA does not complicate or
>> bloat GnuPG.

> You're probably right. I guess I just don't understand supporting dead,
> deprecated, proprietary technology, bloat or no bloat.

IDEA is far from dead. I have mailarchives dating back to the pgp 2.3
days and I would like to decrypt those mails from within my current mail
reader that uses GnuPG. And it isn't proprietary, the algorithm is fully
public (as the availability of the source code proves).

About deprecated, well, opinions differ. Currently there may be better
options, but I remember back in the pgp 5/6 days before CAST5 had had as
much public scrutiny as it has had now, many people trusted IDEA more
than CAST5 and still used it, which again increases the availability of
IDEA encrypted archive material.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,

Johan Wevers

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