On 05/06/2011 13:48, Jerome Baum wrote:
On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 22:37, Doug Barton <do...@dougbarton.us
<mailto:do...@dougbarton.us>> wrote:

    I don't understand this response. What I'm saying is that if the key
    is compromised, expiration dates become irrelevant.

Up to a point. If my key expired yesterday, no-one can forge a message
with that key and claim it's from today.

That's absolutely not true. New signatures can be created with expired keys, and as Werner pointed out new signatures can be created with keys that have had their expiration dates updated, and although a percentage of users may inquire about it, it's usually the "know just enough to be dangerous" contingent (I.e., those smart enough to know that the key is expired on their key ring, but not smart enough to refresh it). There may be a tiny percentage of users who are smart enough to do both, who would then realize that the signature is invalid. However given that the scenario you described (forgery, vs. key compromise) is so overwhelmingly unlikely to happen (at least in any kind of meaningful way) I'm not sure it's worth considering.


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