On Fri, 13 Dec 2013 17:04, pe...@digitalbrains.com said:

> Has it ever been researched in which way users use GnuPG? A part of the
> GUI users might also still use the command line for certain things.

My guess is that the majority of GnuPG users are not aware that they are
using GnuPG.  They see Enigmail, or GpgOL, or Mac tools.  I even heard
rumors that most sysadmins these days are preferring web based
administration tools; so if sysadmins are using GUIs why should users
prefer the command line.  I estimate that not more than 1% of all GnuPG
users are using gpg in the shell.

Right, the audience of this list is for the geeks - they know how to use
mailing lists.  Most users don't.

> Yes, but if you first say "Avoid using the output of this command in
> scripts or other programs as it is likely to change as GnuPG changes"
> and then still not make changes to the output because unthoughtful

I know.  But part of the relative stability of the GPG interface is that
even we deprecate stuff we keep supporting them for a long long time.  I
have suggested hundreds of times to better change a certain script to
use --with-colons but I doubt that many followed that suggestion.  After
all it worked for them and why should the spend time changing a running

> It is indeed debatable whether this particular improvement is worth it.

Better add a hint to the FAQ.



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