Quoting Peter Lebbing (pe...@digitalbrains.com):
> > I'm trying to make the big step from GnuPG v1 to v2 but i'm experiencing
> > agonizing pains caused by the forced use of "pinentry" by gpg-agent and
> > friends, or rather the way the GPG_TTY stuff works?
> The first thing we really need to know before we can give good help, is:
> which version of GnuPG are you using?

Heh. D'oh! This is Ubuntu 16.10's gpg 2.1.15 w/ libgcrypt 1.7.2-beta.

When not starting gpg-agent from .xsession and thus not using it for
ssh-agent emulation, it seems a bit more well-behaved. I have yet to
run into pinentry trouble, but it is not that often that i use gpg.


| Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
| 4096R/20CC6CD2 - 6D40 1A20 B9AA 87D4 84C7  FBD6 F3A9 9442 20CC 6CD2

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