On Fri,  4 Aug 2017 14:36, roman.fied...@ait.ac.at said:

> Ah, that's great - and actually the first nice gpg-agent feature apart from 
> gpg-agent being little annoying when running it on RAM-disks in early boot.

(And the ssh-agent support, which is one of the mos useful features I
 have on my box for 10 years or so.)

> The agent forwarding guide from above is fine, should be easy to implement. 
> Just one more question: how do I restrict the private key lifetime within the 
> agent or the number of agent requests before password repeat is needed? Best 

You can't do that yet just for --extra-socket connection.  You need to
do that globally with

   --max-cache-ttl  NSECONDS

Normally w.o. the leading dashes in the gpg-agent.conf.  In the future
we will allow to do this on a per key base (utilizing the new
--enabled-extended-key-format) and also allow to set a flag to require
confirmation in the same way it is possible with ssh connections.



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