On Wed,  8 Nov 2017 12:28, r...@splintermail.com said:

> Yes, I reset my gpg-agent (killall -1 gpg-agent) each time, and was
> prompted with a pinentry prompt each time.

[ Please use "pkill -HUP gpg-agent" and never ever killall - which has,
  aehm, funny effects on other Unices. ]

  gpgconf --reload gpg-agent

is the suggest way to reload the gpg-agent configuraion and flush the

> Hm... now that I think about it I think the pinentry prompt has been
> broken in my vim with that plugin for some time (due to improper

Not sure what your problem is but nevertheless here this hint: When
calling gpg you should watch the status fd (commonly stderr,
"--status-fd 2") for a line


and set a flag to redraw your screen after gpg returned.  The other
approach would be to write an vim-internal pinentry in the same way the
pinentry-emacs pinentry works.



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