
On 3.2.2018 7:25, FuzzyDrawrings via Gnupg-users wrote:
|    m: 4f70656e504750040016080006050255f95f9504ff0000000c
|    Using the SHA2-256 hash algorithm yields the digest:
|    d: f6220a3f757814f4c2176ffbb68b00249cd4ccdc059c4b34ad871f30b1740280

I can obtain m, no problem. But fail to obtain d as m's sha256 digest.

Instead I repeatedly get:
d: 30d3de39f655d86b516058ae8c483f1a2cc10f0048882794655d4ce910abb7d6

Can anyone check if they are able to get the result shown in the documentation? 
And if so, is there anything else in addition to m that is input for the sha256 

I haven't read the context of the draft, so I don't know whether the sample 'm' is formed correctly, but this is what I get with the 'm' listed above being in file testvec:

$ od -t x1 testvec
0000000 4f 70 65 6e 50 47 50 04 00 16 08 00 06 05 02 55
0000020 f9 5f 95 04 ff 00 00 00 0c
$ sha256sum testvec
f6220a3f757814f4c2176ffbb68b00249cd4ccdc059c4b34ad871f30b1740280  testvec

So it matches with the document. Are you sure the 'm' you end up is exactly the same as in the draft?


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