On 05/20/2018 08:51 PM, Jeremy Davis wrote:
> I just read the awesome article "Efail: A Postmortem" by Robert Hansen.
> Thanks for this Robert. Great work!
> As suggested by Robert, I've signed up to say:
> Break backwards compatibility already: it’s time. Ignore the haters. I
> trust you! :)

One of the problems with Windows is that they preserved the backwards
compatibility for far too long, so they could never clean it up enough
to make it any good. I admit that Windows 7 is better than Windows XP
that was much better than Windows 95.

I wonder just how much complexity there is in my FiOS box to convert the
fiber-optic to plain old telephone service that must still be compatible
with my old rotary dial telephone that requires 90 volt 20 cycle power
to ring the bell. And all my electronic telephones with electronic
ringers that must be protected from that 90 volt ringing current.

Can you imagine the redesign that would be required so I could start the
gasoline engine in my Prius with a hand crank in the front?

  .~.  Jean-David Beyer          Registered Linux User 85642.
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