On 2018-11-17 07:21 AM, Kiran Shetty wrote:

Running  [0] https://github.com/guardianproject/gnupg-for-java project
give Error :
PGP\GuardianProject\gnupg-for-java-master\build.xml:63: Execute
failed: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "make" (in directory
"D:\AuxLedger\Java PGP\GuardianProject\gnupg-for-java-master\jni"):
CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified

It seems it was intended to use ANT in a Linux environment as per the
README, but indicates that it is possible to use MinGW in a Windows
environment, also per the README. I would definitely try to look into
other bindings because as mentioned before the aforementioned sources
are old and not particularly geared for Windows environments it
would seem. Make is a utility for compiling programs in Linux/UNIX
environments which is why your system failed to find it unless you
use MinGW or something like it, but that will only further
complicate the process.

Antony Prince

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