
Am Montag, den 07.01.2019, 13:53 +0100 schrieb Matthias Apitz:
> Hello,
> I've GnuPG 2.1.12 on my mobile device (without any OpenPGP card) and
> generated there a new secret key to encrypt credentials I'm using on
> this device. I was a bit surprised reading (after entering a bas
> passphrase for testing):
> Note: This is not with the PIN of an OpenPGP-card. What would happen
> exactly after the 3rd bad value? Destroy of the key or my device? :-)

Nothing happens, the running process will just be aborted after the
third try.


Dirk Gottschalk
Paulusstrasse 6-8
52064 Aachen, Germany

GPG: DDCB AF8E 0132 AA54 20AB  B864 4081 0B18 1ED8 E838
Keybase.io: https://keybase.io/dgottschalk
GitHub: https://github.com/Dirk1980ac

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