On Sat, 19 Jan 2019 14:24:21 +0100, dirk1980ac via Gnupg-users stated:

>Hello Jerry.
>Am Samstag, den 19.01.2019, 07:31 -0500 schrieb Jerry:
>> Probably a dumb question, but I thought I would ask regardless.
>> I created a key pair using my name and email address. I then added a
>> new id to the key with the same name but a different email address.
>> Now, when I send an email, the second id is the one displayed no
>> matter what email address I was using when I sent the message. (I
>> hope that this is making sense).  
>Yes, I know what you mean. This behavior depends mostly on the MUA you
>are using. One UID is marked as primary. Some MUAs only display the
>primary UID, some display all and some pick the right one from the
>> Is there any way to switch the position of the ids in the key other
>> than deleting the key and creating a new one? Would I be better off
>> creating two separate keys? I would rather keep things simple if
>> possible. Would creating a sub-key be the way to go? I am sort of
>> lost here.  
>You can set the other UID as primary. But you would have the same
>problem, when you send with the other address. You should test it with
>another MUA, what this displays. In my case (evolution), it checks the
>UIDs and gives an 'okay' if one of the addresses matches the sender. If
>I check for the signature key by clicking the symbol for the signature
>details, I see the output of GPG with the primary UID and the other
>UIDs as aliases, the same way, as gpg does on the command line.

Thanks, that is pretty much what I thought too. I am using claws-mail.


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