Am 16.03.2021 um 17:19 schrieb Mark McDonnell via Gnupg-users 

> It would be great if users could configure the default as it feels dangerous 
> to default to saving the passphrase.

That is possible by running the following command:

    defaults write org.gpgtools.common UseKeychain -bool NO

To remove any saved passwords from macOS Keychain, search
for GnuPG to find them.

The folks of homebrew are using our version of pinentry which is
based off the standard pinentry, but adds the possibility to store passphrases
for GnuPG keys in macOS Keychain. For our version of GnuPG it should default
to on, but we also provide a macOS preference pane to change the default.
As such a preference pane is not available for homebrew users, we have
brought this issue up with them but they have not reacted.



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