Reading the URLs given by the OP, I see that the GPG FAQ (1) talks about
a default of '2048' but in the latest (2.2.17) release of GPG it looks
like the default is now '3072':


[puts on maintainer hat]

The last time I suggested revisions to that text there was no community consensus on what should replace it. Each proposed replacement met significant criticism.

My current plan is to wait until GnuPG 2.3 is released and then update the FAQ to reflect those changes, and hope that by that time there's community consensus to support the changes.

The FAQ isn't being ignored. I'd like to do a total overhaul of it. However, the FAQ isn't meant to be my opinions and rants: it's meant to be *the community's* voice. So I'm kind of dependent on the mailing list for support.

[takes off maintainer hat]

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