On Sun, 25 Apr 2021 16:41, William Holmes said:

> I encrypted the file with '--hidden-recipient'.
> After decryption failed, gpg-agent was killed.

Right, I was able to valgrind the bug.  We will have a solution soon.

> pub   ed25519/0xFB3157F958F70A96 2021-04-25 [SC]

Better don't use the keyids.  In particular with v5 keys they are
confusing because for v5 the keyid are the leftmost bytes instead of the
rightmost with v3 and v4 keys.

You may want to remove the "keyid-format" from gpg.conf and instead add

> sub   cv448/0xB36D6CA2989293FF 2021-04-25 [E]

Note that we also have a problem that, depending on how the key is
created, a v4 instead of a v5 key is created with cv448.  There is a fix
in 2.3.1 to make sure 448 only uses v5 but that fix was not enough.



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