Hello everyone,

A new release of GoCD <https://www.gocd.org/releases/#24-1-0> (24.1.0) is

This release is a relatively minor maintenance release, however does make
some potentially breaking changes to reduce maintenance overhead.

   - Links are no longer forced opened in new tabs
   - Java 17 is now the minimum supported version
   - Server container image is now based on Wolfi OS

As always, please review the release notes, and remember to take a backup
before upgrading.

To know more about the features and bug fixes in this release, see the release
notes <https://www.gocd.org/releases/#24-1-0> or head to the downloads page
<https://www.gocd.org/download/> to try it. Feedback and ideas are always
welcome - we appreciate the discussion on issues you are having, and how we
can improve things.

Chad & Aravind

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