Hi Rene!
Never ever get disheartened by a few of petit minds that do exist not only in 
the Goan arena but in human race.  There are a handful of few who work to 
destroy the humanity not realizing what harm they are doing.  This is out of 
cheer jealousy that brews in the minds of few who cannot do anything better and 
cannot see anyone else doing better.  Here in Kuwait I can name the characters 
and expose the facts based on the gournd reality.
It is high time that those involved in service to mankind and Goan Community at 
large work with courage and determination and march forward.  Such handful 
snakes are in every corner of the world not only among the Goans but in the 
human race.  Let us be proud of our rich heritage.  In your own words Rene - 
Together we can make it Happen

To: GOAN-NRI@yahoogroups.co.in; goan-...@yahoogroups.co.incc: 
benedictl...@gmail.com; miguelbraga...@yahoo.co.in; col...@bigpond.com; 
oscar.furt...@rbc.com; bo...@goanet.org; ole_...@yahoo.co.uk; 
cynthia.fernan...@gmail.com; arwinmesqu...@gmail.comfrom: 
goan...@yahoo.co.ukdate: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 14:23:53 +0000Subject: Re: [GOAN-NRI] 

Thank you for your KIND words as usual , your support will help us GOANS  to 
WALK the TALK.Some of us .. as usual always try and destroy ...rather than 
helpus build our Goan commUNITY.I am what I am becuase some of our learned GOAN 
friends  say so ! God bless you and Goans everywhere. rene 

From: Oscar Lobo <oscarlo...@optusnet.com.au>To: goan-...@yahoogroups.co.incc: 
Benedict Lobo <benedictl...@gmail.com>; Miguel Braganza 
<miguelbraga...@yahoo.co.in>; Tony <col...@bigpond.com>; Oscar Furtado 
<oscar.furt...@rbc.com>; bo...@goanet.org; ole_...@yahoo.co.uk; Cynthia 
Fernandes <cynthia.fernan...@gmail.com>; Arwin Mesquita 
<arwinmesqu...@gmail.com>; goan...@yahoo.co.uksent: Monday, January 26, 2009 

Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys and Girls
Time and again we hear Rene Barretto echoing/crying in wilderness about Goan 
Unity at each and every occasion and many of us in Goan Diaspora neglect his 
for reasons unknown. A case in question is Rene's recent e-mail in which he 
pleads for unity and he has asked some leaders to respond his e-mail of 21 
January 2009 for example where he poses an open question " We are often told 
that Goans in Canada are not inclined  to work TOGETHER (Lack unity ) ? why is 
it so? ".  I understand Rene has not received any response to this! In 
Melbourne Goan associations are also split with humongous differences of 
opinion. What is it with us Goans ? Do we think leadership comes from superior 
caste or education?  I am told that it does not spring from either of those but 
through mindset. So basically something is wrong with
our mindset.
Are we all taking Rene bab for granted?  Don't we have any regard for what he 
and those associated with him have done so far? Rene has worked hard and 
to work hard with a group of his close mates.  Why can't the rest of the Goans 
join in the bandwagon of Unity?
Why is it that we Goans cannot work in unity? Seriously, apart from those 
chamai excuses why are some of us the way we are?  I have seen some 
Goan motto that read "Unity is strength" whereas the same folks have double 
standards.  They refuse a valued event like World Goa Day on grounds
of "why promote Konkani in overseas countries". 
A Goan is not a Goan if he/she cannot speak Konkani.  How many of us can speak 
Konkani and why do we call ourselves Goans. The Goans in Goa are doing 
a lot for Goa, whereas the Goans in Diaspora are lingering their real support 
for Goa and all things Goans.  We all need to find a joint way of helping Goa 
and our 
identity which is at crises at the moment. Let us all put a stop to what is 
happening in Goa.  Arwin Mesquita's e-mails show the pathetic stituation in 
The introduction World Goa Day by Rene Barretto throughout the world was 
supposed to be an event to bring all Goans together not only for a day but 
begin it 
with that day.  Why is it that many of us have that narrow mind and we love to 
work in vacuum?
Goa needs our calibre, experience, education and all the support we can, how 
about we all work together as there is no other way then working together 
that we can achieve. If our generation does not pull up our socks and help, our 
children and grand children will loose what we and our parents have cherished
of our lovely Goa.
The much desired Goan unity is required urgently to fight out the evil forces 
against us.  Goans in Goa cannot do it alone, they need our help in the Goan 

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