Penguin’s pioneering publisher - who never read books
By Florence Waters
Allen Lane, the founder of the Penguin paperback, is one of our
country’s greatest populist educators.
He was both brilliant and normal, a charismatic bore, a man who “never
turned the page of a book” (his own words), yet was passionate about
getting people to read. He changed publishing 75 years ago when he
started selling good books for the price of a packet of cigarettes.

If anyone can flesh out the contradictory figure of Lane, it’s the
writer Michael Morpurgo, who attempts just that in a fascinating Radio
4 programme. Morpurgo met Lane’s eldest daughter, Clare, in Corfu in
1963 and, at the age of 19, married her. He knew his father-in-law for
seven difficult years (“Tensions finally melted in the last year”)
before Lane died of cancer. “He wasn’t happy about the marriage, so it
was a challenge. If only I had known then how interesting a challenge
it was to be,” Morpurgo tells me.

With him when we speak is Clare, who recounts happy childhood tales: a
party in their Middlesex garden organised by her father at which a
baby elephant appeared; and a cycling trip across France with just her
father and DK Broster’s novel The Flight of the Heron: “My father
didn’t read but, somehow, he could produce from his pocket exactly the
right book at the right time.”

Lane published DH Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover, which sold 2.1
million copies in its first year. “He was a terrier snapping at the
establishment,” Morpurgo says. Yet years later, the same man stole out
in the dark to empty a Penguin warehouse full of books of French
illustrations and burn them, because he’d decided they were
sacrilegious. .

Pelican Books

​Lane expanded the business in 1937 with the publication of George
Bernard Shaw's The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and
Capitalism under the Pelican Books imprint, an imprint designed to
educate the reading public rather than entertain. Recognising his own
limitations Lane appointed V. K. Krishna Menon as the first
commissioning edition of the series, supported by an advisory panel
consisting of Peter Chalmers Mitchell, H. L. Bales and W. E. Williams.
Several thousand Pelicans were published over the next half-century
and brought high quality accounts of the current state of knowledge in
many fields, often written by authors of specialised academic
books.(The Pelican series, in decline for several years, was finally
discontinued in 1984.)

It all began with the Lane brothers, Richard, Allen and
John, zestful and filled with what they thought was a great
idea. They launched a publishing firm, Penguin Books, to
publish soft-cover reprints of contemporary "classics" at a
very low price. There were three types of these: novels, in
orange and white jackets; detective stories, in green and white;
and popular biographies, in blue and white.

Most of the established English publishing houses took an
extremely dim view of this venture. It was true, they said,
that soft-cover books had previously been published in Eng-
land, when people wanted a slender volume they could slip
into their pockets on a trip via that modern means of trans-
portation, the railway. They recalled "The Run and Read
Library," "The Railway Library" and "The Travellers' Li-
brary." But that had been long ago. In the twentieth century
people wanted hard-cover books which they could show on
their drawing-room shelves and also, occasionally, read. They
would not buy flimsy paperbacks.

The Lane brothers did not have much to lose and so they
decided to try just the same. They published reprints, such as
Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, Andre Maurois'
Ariel, ou la vie de Shelley (in English translation) ; and Eric
Linklater's Poet's Pub. The print orders were very small at
first, but then they began to rise.

Bookish Krishna Menon's dark eyes were wide open for
new developments in the publishing world, and he took due
notice of the Penguins' progress. Also he had an idea, which
he hastened to bring to the attention of the enterprising Lanes.

The idea was even more enterprising: to move heavily into
the nonfiction field, and to publish not only reprints but also
original works by big names.

This was all very well, but the publishers needed some as-
surance that important schools and other organizations would
take note of this venture. Krishna Menon had by then lined
up an impressive number of contacts, not only in the political
but also in the educational world, contacts which the three
enterprising Englishmen lacked as yet. So he introduced the
Lanes to influential fellow Britishers whom he knew, and who
could be of some help. Among these were the secretary of the
British Institute of Adult Education, W. E. Williams, and
H. L. Beales, an influential faculty member of Krishna
Menon's own alma mater, the London School of Economics.
They agreed that the books envisioned by Krishna Menon
would be useful in adult education not the least reason for
this being their drastically reduced price and that therefore
they would be ready to lend a hand. This is how the Pelican
series of the Penguins came into existence. Krishna Menon
became its general editor.

The bang with which Krishna Menon started the Pelicans
resounded in the publishing world. Among his first tides,
starting with 1937, was a book by George Bernard Shaw.
The title of the original volume was The Intelligent Woman! s
Guide to Socialism. (A Tory author countered with The
Socialist Woman's Guide to Intelligence.) Krishna Menon
himself induced the terrible-tempered Mr. Shaw to add two
new sections to the book one on sovietism, and the other on

The early titles of the Pelicans reflected Krishna Menon's
eclectic tastes. They included a reprint of one of his favorite
books by Elie Halevy, A History of the English People
; Julian Huxley's Essays in Popular Science; Vision and
Design, by the English painter and critic Roger Eliot Fry;
Social Life in the Insect World, by Jean-Henri Fabre, the
French entomologist; The Mysterious Universe, by Sir James
Jeans; Literary Taste, by Arnold Bennett; and Civilization,
by Clive Bell, the art and literary critic.

Subsequent volumes included works by Harold Laski,
Krishna Menon's idol; the unbelievably prolific H. G. Wells;
Harold Nicolson, famed as a diplomat and author; Sir Nor-
man Angell, Nobel Prize laureate; and Wickham Steed.

By this time the Axis powers were throwing their weight
around in the world Hitler's Germany, Mussolini's Italy,
and the war lords' Japan. Krishna Menon waged his own cold
war against them as the editor of the Pelicans. He published
reprints of Blackmail or War?, by the "French Cassandra,"
Genevieve Tabouis, and Edgar Ansel Mowrer's Germany
Puts the Clock Back. Altogether he seems to have edited some
thirty books.

Unbusinesslike Krishna Menon had no contract with the
businesslike Lanes, and so their cooperation faded into a dense
cloud of misunderstandings.

On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of the pioneering
Penguin books, Sir Allen Lane, the managing director, noted:

It was in the political field that we first commenced original
publishing, when we found, somewhat to our surprise, a number
of authors who were prepared to chance first publication of
their books in paper covers at sixpence, with a royalty of a
farthing a copy, in place of the more certain returns which pub-
lication through normal channels would have ensured. . . .

Thus began the great "paperback revolution" of the pub-
lishing business in the twentieth century.

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